mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

Universities in Italy - Courses in English

Founded on 30th July 2010 jointly by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Ministry of Interior and the Italy China Foundation, the Uni-Italia Association has the aim of promoting Italian Higher Education and the mobility of foreign students and researchers towards Italian universities as well as encouraging academic cooperation between Italy and other foreign countries. The Association is present in several countries including China, Indonesia, Brazil, Vietnam and Iran.
Uni-Italia works closely with Italian diplomatic offices abroad where Centres of promotion and orientation to study in Italy are located in. All these Centres cooperate with the Italian Cultural Institutes and the Italian Consulates abroad especially in promoting Italian higher education programs, selecting and assisting students with their first enquiries made in their own countries.
The Association also assists students when they arrive in Italy and for the length of their stay with the aim of facilitating their integration into the new social, academic and cultural environment.

link: Uni- Italia